Why masks are important? Masks are very important in decreasing the infection rate in the community. They are a physical barrier in preventing the disease transmission. Whenever a person (infected or even asymptomatic) coughs, sneezes or even speaks he releases numerous small droplets in the air which contain tiny viral particles that may spread infection. […]
Testing, Testing, Testing In the recent past, COVID-19 cases in Karnal are on an exponential rise. But most of this is due to ramped-up testing which the Health Department has undertaken. The more infected people we are able to detect and isolate, the more people we would be able to prevent from getting infected in […]
Karona: Karnal Coronavirus Update I am very happy and proud that Indian Medical Association Karnal has launched a website for quick information on Corona in Karnal. We have come across many such websites that provide information on Corona about various countries and states but this website provides detailed information about our town, Karnal. It tells […]
Covid-19 in children: What we know till now This virus originated in China towards the end of December 2019 has spread rapidly all over the world and hence labelled as the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This virus belongs to the Corona group, which commonly causes minor upper respiratory tract infections in both children and […]
Coronavirus in a Nutshell (Part 2) PREVENTION The main stay of the prevention is SOCIAL DISTANCE, FACE MASK and HAND HYGIENE. Social Distancing is to avoid any gathering, crowded places. One should not go to crowed places and if meeting someone outside your family, keep a distance of at least 6 feet from each other. […]
Coronavirus in a Nutshell (Part 1) COVID-19 stands for “Coronavirus Disease 2019.” It is caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. The virus first appeared in late 2019 and quickly spread around the world. HOW DOES THE VIRUS SPREAD The virus spreads mainly from person to person. This usually happens when an infected person coughs, […]
Stay Informed, Stay Safe At a time when the number of positive COVID-19 cases are on a rapidly increasing trend, it is imperative to have access to reliable and actionable information to keep oneself safe. While enough information is available at national and state level, there is no credible source of information at local city […]