Masks are very important in decreasing the infection rate in the community. They are a physical barrier in preventing the disease transmission. Whenever a person (infected or even asymptomatic) coughs, sneezes or even speaks he releases numerous small droplets in the air which contain tiny viral particles that may spread infection. Doctors have been wearing masks since ages to prevent infection transmission but now it’s the time for the society to take this responsibility. The countries where use of mask is rampant in pubic, the curve of disease is flattened. As lockdown has eased now it is more so important to wear masks at public places to decrease infection rate. Remember, my mask will protect you and your mask will protect me.
sir, size of corona virus is 50-250 nm …whereas, the size of pores of n-95 mask is 300-800 nm. then, how can you say mask can protect us?